The Benefits of Pipe Relining for Repairing Damaged Sewer Ducts

A damaged or cracked sewer can lead to several problems, such as water leaks, reduced water pressure, and sewage backup. Traditional drain repair methods require excavation and replacement of the old duct, which is time-consuming and expensive. However, relining is a modern and cost-efficient solution that eliminates the need for excavation and replacement. This technique involves lining the inside of the damaged duct with a resin-based material, creating a new and durable pipe within the old one. This article explores the benefits of pipe relining as a solution to repairing cracked ducts.

Effective solution

Repairing ducts is an effective solution. The resin-based material used in this process is durable and corrosion-resistant, ensuring the new drain is strong and long-lasting. Moreover, the new one is seamless, eliminating any weak points that may have been present in the old duct. This makes it less susceptible to cracks, leaks, and corrosion. It is also an effective solution for repairing ducts in hard-to-reach areas, such as under buildings or in tight spaces.

Long-term cost savings

Relining offers long-term cost savings compared to traditional repair methods. Traditional repair methods require excavation and replacement of the old one, which is expensive and time-consuming. Relining eliminates the need for excavation and replacement, reducing the time and cost required to complete the repair. Moreover, the new duct created through this process is durable, corrosion-resistant, and expected to last for more than 50 years, reducing the need for frequent repairs and replacements.

Minimal disruption to daily activities

This repair work requires minimal disruption to daily activities compared to traditional repair methods. Traditional pipe repair methods require excavation, which can be disruptive, mainly if the drain is in a hard-to-reach area. The relining process eliminates excavation, allowing everyday activities to continue uninterrupted during the repair process. Moreover, the repair process is fast and efficient, with most repairs taking only a few hours to complete.

Increased water flow and improved water quality

Relining can lead to increased water flow and improved water quality. Over time, old drains can become corroded and clogged with debris, reducing water flow and poor water quality. It creates a new, seamless pipe within the old one, eliminating any weak points and debris build-up that may have been present in the old one. This leads to improved water flow and quality, which can have several benefits, such as reduced water bills and increased property value.

Improved structural stability

This process not only repairs damaged pipes but also improves the structural stability of the drain system. As ducts age, they can become weak and brittle, leading to damage and cracks. It reinforces the existing structure by creating a new and seamless one within the old one. This new duct acts as a protective barrier, preventing future damage and reducing the likelihood of cracks and leaks. Furthermore, because the new duct is seamless, it improves the overall water flow, reducing the strain on the ducts and the likelihood of further damage.

Reduced risk of future damage

Relining creates a new and seamless duct within the old one, eliminating the weak points and debris build-up that may have been present in the old one. This makes the new drain less susceptible to cracks, leaks, and corrosion. The resin-based material used in this process is also durable and corrosion-resistant, ensuring the new duct is solid and long-lasting. By repairing the damaged drain, the homeowner reduces the risk of future damage and minimises the potential for costly repairs.


Pipe relining eliminates the need for excavation and replacement, reducing the time and cost required to complete the repair. As such, it is a viable option for anyone looking to repair damaged ducts without incurring excessive costs and disruptions.

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