Inside the Minds of Lahore’s Top Architects: An Exclusive Interview

<strong>Inside the Minds of Lahore’s Top Architects: An Exclusive Interview</strong>

If you’ve ever marvelled at the stunning architecture that adorns the streets of Lahore, Pakistan, then this blog post is for you! Join us as we take a deep dive into the minds of some of the city’s top architects in an exclusive interview. From their creative process to their sources of inspiration and obstacles they face along the way, get ready to be inspired by these brilliant minds shaping Lahore’s skyline. So sit back, relax and let’s explore what makes these architects tick!

How architects think

Architects are known for their imagination, creativity, and skill in designing structures. In this exclusive interview, we spoke with three of Lahore’s top architects – Syed Asif Ali Azam, Mohammad Ahmed Khan, and Arshad Hussain – to understand how they think and create.

Azam: “From the very beginning, I always try to consider what the client wants and need. Once I have a clear understanding of their requirements, I then start sketching out a design that meets those needs.”

Khan: “I approach every project with an open mind and strive to come up with designs that not only meet the functional requirements of the building but also reflect its intended use.”

Hussain: “It is important for me to take into account the context in which a building will be used. For instance, if a building is meant for educational purposes then I would make sure to incorporate features that would encourage learning.”

Challenges of designing in Lahore

Lahore is a city that has been through a lot in its past. Up until the late 1800s, it was one of the most important cities in India and was known for its textile industry. However, after independence, Lahore’s fortunes changed and it became one of Pakistan’s most important cities.

Since it is such a culturally diverse city, there are a lot of challenges when designing in Lahore. For example, the local architecture is based on traditional Islamic design principles, but there is also a lot of modern design influence present as well. Additionally, due to the city’s history, there are a lot of building restrictions present which have to be taken into account when designing anything new.

There are also several prominent architects working in Lahore today who have come up with some unique designs that reflect the city’s diversity. In order to get an exclusive interview with one of these designers, we spoke to Irfan Memon from MEMO Architects about some of the challenges he faces when designing in Lahore and how he manages to integrate both Islamic and modern design principles into his work.

The importance of community involvement

Community engagement is essential to the success of any architecture firm. This is especially true in Lahore, Pakistan, where the culture and architecture are intrinsically linked.

“There is no escaping the importance of community involvement,” says architect Zafar Iqbal. “You can’t be a successful architect without it.”

Iqbal is one of Lahore’s leading architects, and his firm has been responsible for some of the city’s most iconic buildings – including the Gulberg residence and the Sheraton hotel. But while Iqbal focuses on designing buildings, he also understands that architecture isn’t just about creating beautiful spaces; it’s about connecting with people.

“The best way to connect with people is through architecture,” he says. “It allows us to share our thoughts and feelings with others.”

Iqbal believes that good architecture can have a positive impact on people’s lives – whether they live in the building or not. “Architecture can bring communities together,” he says. “It can help them understand each other better and build bridges between them.”

This understanding is key for Iqbal and his team: They know that if they can create connections with their clients and community members, they’re guaranteed success.

Architects’ thoughts on the future of architecture

Architects in Lahore are closely watching the future of architecture, and they have their own predictions about what trends will shape the industry in the years to come. Here’s what they had to say about the state of architecture today and where they see it heading.

“The industry is definitely growing,” said Ahmed Ali, a senior architect at SKP Design & Development. “More people are becoming interested in building sustainable, environmentally friendly structures, which is great news for architects.” Ali believes that the burgeoning interest in green architecture will continue to drive innovation in the design field.

Atul Kumar Gupta, founder of studio 8×8 Architects, also sees positive trends emerging in the architectural world. “There’s been a lot of talk lately about collaboration between architects and engineers,” he said. “This means that we’re getting closer and closer to creating truly innovative projects.” Gupta believes that this trend will help architects become more versatile and able to work with a wider range of clients.

According to Aamir Iqbal, an associate professor at PSD University of Architecture & Planning, some challenges facing architects today include limited resources and a shortage of skilled labor. Iqbal says that these challenges may eventually lead to changes in how architecture is practiced – perhaps towards more modular designs or even an increased focus on technology.

“We need new technologies to make our designs more efficient,” Iqbal said. “For example, we can use augmented reality [AR] simulations


In this exclusive interview, we talk to some of Lahore’s leading architects about their work and what drives them. From creating magnificent structures that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing, these architects have a unique perspective on architecture that is sure to interest anyone interested in the discipline. In addition to their thoughts on architecture, we also take a look at how they stay current with new trends and techniques, which is something that will be of great interest to any architect looking for ways to keep up with the latest developments.

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