What is PCOD and How Does Ayurveda Address It?

What is PCOD and How Does Ayurveda Address It?

Suffering from Polycystic ovarian Disease is quite discomforting at times, as it makes menses irregular, and unnecessary weight gain is devastating. Therefore, this article contains complete information about Polycystic Ovarian Disease and how to overcome these sufferings with PCOD  treatment in ayurveda.

What is PCOD?

Polycystic Ovarian Disease means when the ovaries contain several partially mature or immature eggs. They, later on, turn into cysts.

According to Ayurveda, when mamsa, shonita, and meda get mixed up with Kapha they produce circular, knotted inflammatory swelling called “Granthi” which resembles the cyst in modern terminology. It contains a semi-solid liquid material and it is the lined cavity in the body. PCOS is caused due to an imbalance in Pitta Dosha and Kapha Dosha.

Causes of Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD)

The main causes are:

  • Stress.
  • Hormonal disturbances.
  • Improper diet and lifestyle.
  • Heredity.
  • Lack of physical exercise.
  • Prolonged consumption of hormonal pills.

Symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Disease

The symptoms of PCOD are as follows:

  • Hairfall from the scalp.
  • Obesity.
  • Improper diet and lifestyle
  • Acne
  • Mood swings
  • Obesity
  • Menstrual disorders
  • Abnormal hair growth

What is the Ayurvedic Treatment for Polycystic Ovarian Disease?

Ayurvedic treatment for PCOD aims in treating the root cause and balance of the body as Ayurveda follows a holistic approach. 

 There are a few Ayurvedic treatment methods for treating PCOD which include:

  • Healthy diet for addressing obesity and insulin resistance.
  • Strengthening the female reproductive system with the help of Yoga and meditation.
  • Panchakarma.

Ayurvedic treatment for PCOD includes Panchakarma. Significantly, Panchakarma eliminates toxins from the reproductive system of women, Hormones are balanced and organs of the reproductive system are cleansed through this therapy. 

1.      Basti (Vasti):

Enema of herbal oil is delivered through Rectum. For treatment with Basti, various types of decoctions, herbal oils, Ghruta, and milk are used. Marvellous results can be obtained from Basti if it is used correctly with suitable herbs.

2.      Uttarbasti (Uterovaginal enema):

For gynaecological conditions, Uttarbasti (Vasti) seems to be an excellent therapy. It can dissolve cysts in ovaries even faster than oral medications. In addition, it purifies and detoxifies the Aartava Vaha Srotas, pacifies the imbalanced Apana Vayu, and increases follicular maturity.

3.      Virechana:

This is a type of detoxification and purification that helps remove toxins by inducing purgation which is increased movements of the bowel. It helps in managing heavy or irregular periods, fats, and obesity that are caused by PCOS.

4.      Vamana:

It is the cleaning and detoxifying therapy that includes a systematic plan and process of toxins removal by inducing vomiting. 

5.      Udvartana: 

It means the body massage of the whole body externally in ayurveda. This therapy helps in the better circulation of blood which further helps in detoxifying the skin. In addition, it boosts metabolism and reduces weight loss. 

Top Ayurvedic Herbs or Medicines useful for PCOD

Ayurvedic  Herbs  & Diet for PCOD help greatly in the management of PCOD  as it also supports improving insulin resistance ability as well as reducing inflammation. In addition, it uplifts overall health as herbs are obtained from nature, thus boosting the normal functioning of the reproductive system.

·         Kanchnar Guggulu (Bauhinia variegata)

Kannchnar Guggulu eradicates toxins and wastes from the system. It effectively heals menstrual disorders such as irregular menses, PCOD, amenorrhoea, and hormonal imbalance and is also one of the fine herbs that aid in weight loss.

·         Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus)

Shatavari is a beneficial herb for the overall health of females. It balances the regulation of female hormones. It stops the formation of new cysts and also prevents the recurrence of the disease. It maintains the duration of menses and improves overall ovarian and uterine health.

·         Gudichi (Tinospora cordifolia)

Guduchi is an incredible herb that treats PCOD and normalises the functioning of the female reproductive system. It revitalizes and rejuvenates the female reproductive organs, balances hormones, supports weight loss and normalises the menstrual cycle.

·         Varuna (Crateva religiosa)

The Varuna is a wonderful herb that regulates the normal menstrual cycle and reduces the size of cysts.

Yoga Asanas Recommended by Ayurvedic doctors to Treat PCOD

Yoga and meditation are of utmost importance in Ayurveda for PCOD and some of them are as follows:

Chakki Chalanasana (moving the grinding wheel): 

It is quite easy to exercise with immense benefits. It gives massage to the reproductive organs, liver, kidneys, and pancreas.

Titli asana (Butterfly Pose):

It can prove helpful in curing PCOD. Hold this posture for a few minutes daily for good results.

Shavasana (Corpse Pose):

It is a relaxing posture in PCOD as relaxation helps in coping up stress and anxiety and it is practised at the end of yoga asanas. 

Bharadvajasana (Bharadvaja’s Twist):

It is a spinal twist in a sitting position which is useful for PCOD patients.

Practise Meditation on a Regular Basis

Meditation helps in dealing with the factors such as stress, depression and anxiety.  It is important to keep the mind relaxed and for this purpose, mediation plays an essential role. 

Meditation deeply heals from within and it is an incredible way of staying away from the worries of daily life. A few minutes of meditation in a calm and silent place with eyes closed with concentration will solve most of the problems of life.

To recapitulate, PCOD treatment in Ayurveda can be done in the most effective way along with the natural herbal treatment and adapting some changes in daily routine. Moreover, Yoga and meditation relieve stress levels which plays a vital role in the management of PCOD.

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