King Richard, a biopic about the life of tennis champion Richard Williams and his two daughters, Venus and Serena Williams, has been garnering much attention since its release in November 2020. The movie stars Will Smith as King Richard and focuses on his struggles to raise the two young girls while leading them to become the greatest female tennis players of all time.
Steadfast Commitment
The movie has been praised for its accurate portrayal of King Richard’s steadfast commitment and dedication to his daughters’ success. From countless hours spent on the court coaching them, to being a pillar of support for their personal development, King Richard exemplified what it means to be an exemplary father. King Richard’s story is also an inspiring tale of resilience, ambition and hope—a must-see for any fan of sports or family movies.
Positive Review
Critics have largely given King Richard showtime a positive review for its thoughtful storytelling and powerful performances from both Will Smith and the younger actors playing Venus and Serena. With an Rotten Tomatoes score of 86%, King Richard is certainly worth checking out if you’re looking for a feel-good movie experience.
If you are interested in seeing King Richard on the big screen, there are variety of showtimes available in most major cities around the U.S., ranging from evening shows to matinee screenings during weekends. You can also watch King Richard digitally via various VOD services such as Amazon Prime Video, iTunes/AppleTV+, Google Play Movies & TV or Hulu. So no matter where you are, you can easily access this inspiring film about one father’s incredible journey with his two daughters!
Critically Acclaimed Biopic
King Richard, a critically acclaimed biopic about tennis champion Richard Williams and his daughters Venus and Serena Williams, has been receiving much attention since its release in November 2020. Featuring Will Smith in the starring role, King Richard follows the journey of King Richard as he works tirelessly to raise his two young daughters while guiding them to become the greatest female tennis players of all time. With an inspiring story of resilience and ambition, King Richard is a must-see for any fan of sports movies or family films.
If you are interested in watching King Richard on the big screen, there are plenty of showtimes available at movie theaters across the U.S. Showtimes vary from evening screenings to matinee screenings over weekends. You can also watch King Richard digitally via streaming services such as Amazon Prime Video, iTunes/AppleTV+, Google Play Movies & TV and Hulu. So no matter where you are located, you can easily access this inspiring film about King Richard’s incredible journey with his two daughters!
Critics have praised King Richard showtime today for its accurate portrayal of King Richard’s dedication to raising his daughters and fostering their success in tennis. In addition, viewers can look forward to exceptional performances by Will Smith and the younger actors playing Venus and Serena Williams who paint a vivid picture of King Richards’s fatherhood. With an impressive Rotten Tomatoes score of 86%, King Richard is sure to offer an enjoyable movie experience full of heartwarming moments that will leave you feeling inspired by King Richards’s unwavering commitment to his children’s future.
King Richards’s story is an inspiring reminder that with hard work, patience and resilience anything is possible – feelings that can be experienced first hand through this uplifting movie! So make sure to check out King Richard at your local theater or any VOD service for an unforgettable movie experience filled with love, ambition and hope!