5S Guide: All You Should Know About 5S Colour Code Chart & 5S System Guide

5S Guide: All You Should Know About 5S Colour Code Chart & 5S System Guide

As a maintenance manager, you surely understand the importance of having the right 5S guide systems in your workplace. In case you don’t know, these lean manufacturing tools are designed to reduce or eliminate waste and improve workplace efficiency.

Today, the 5S Guide is a system you can gain access to on Archford. What exactly is this system and how will your company benefit from it?

What is the 5S Guide System?

Archford’s 5S Guide is a full-colour, 28-page guide designed to help improve the efficiency of your workplace. As a maintenance manager, a 5S system is an essential tool that can assist you in improving or supplementing your company’s lean manufacturing processes.

By maintaining an orderly work environment, 5S systems help to optimise your company’s productivity and reduce waste. Today, 5S can benefit your company in many ways. However, before going into details about how these systems can improve your company’s productivity, let’s quickly understand what 5S means:

In case you don’t know, 5S is a five-step organisational system. This Japanese term refers to Sort, Set In Order, Shine, Standardise, and Sustain.

  1. “Sort” is the first step of the FIVE pillars of any visual workplace. It helps to remove any unnecessary items from each area of your workplace. This step won’t only help to reduce workplace clutter. In addition, it’s also effective in eliminating unused items in your visual workplace.
  1. “Set In Order” is the second step of a 5S Guide. This step is what you need to arrange and identify your storage for efficient usage. With this step, you’ll get to review your storage and in-house standards and set them in order.
  1. The third step of the 5S Guide is known as “Shine”. In Japanese, it means “Seiso”. This step is essential to clean and also inspect each area on a regular basis.
  1. The fourth step – “Standardise” – is important to help you formulate standards or integrate 5S into your standard operating procedures.
  1. “Sustain” in the 5S Guide is the last stage, where responsibility is assigned. This is also the step that allows you to manage and evaluate progress. You’ll also get to revisit other steps at this stage.

Is the 5S Guide essential for your workplace?

There are tons of reasons why your company will greatly benefit from the 5S Guide:

  • First, the 5S System Guide is all you need to achieve an optimised visual workplace. These 5 pillars won’t only help you to eliminate potential time wasted when searching for items. In addition, they are effective in determining exactly how to utilize & return your workplace items and materials.
  • Another good thing about the 5S Guide system is that it’s efficient for improving your move to remove waste from your lean manufacturing process.
  • “Self-discipline” is another goodie that comes with implementing the 5S guide system in your workplace. With the right implementation, your employees will acquire much-needed self-discipline to maintain the standards of using and returning tools.
  • Implementation of the 5S system brings about workplace safety. With the right implementation, accidents due to oil spillage or slippery floors are reduced or entirely prevented.

Archford is one of the most reliable sources when it comes to finding the right 5S guide for your visual workplace. Visit the platform today to download the 5S Guide and get the best out of your workplace.

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