The web hosting service is one of the essential features of any website. It provides a place to store your site data and other information and a platform for you to build your site on top of. A good web host provider will offer fast speeds, reliable uptime, and storage space to upload large files without worrying about your website crashing due to a lack of resources. But what if there was another way? How could you increase security on your host and server? Here are five simple steps that anyone can follow.
Choose a Reputable Web Hosting Provider
Choosing a reputable web hosting provider is the first step to securing your website. Next, you want to ensure that your site will be protected from hackers and other malicious actors, so it’s essential to look at the company’s security practices and ensure they meet industry-specific standards.
Some things you should look for when choosing a web hosting provider include:
- A reputation for customer service (e.g., if there are complaints about them online)
- Accreditation by third parties like Verisign or Thawte (both are good options)
Install SSL Certificate
Encryption uses an algorithm to scramble data so that it can only be deciphered by someone who knows the secret key. For example, if you wanted to send a message from one computer to another on your network and nobody else had access to this information or could see what was being sent, then encryption would be necessary.
For encryption to work correctly, some form of authentication must be done before any sensitive information is sent over a network connection. Without authentication/verification (A/V), anyone could sit behind your server’s firewall and intercept all your communications with clients outside their organisation.
Authentication verifies whether users are by comparing their digital identity against known credentials stored within each organisation’s database. Such as passwords or Social Security numbers using something called public key cryptography.”
Avoid Using the “Root” User-level Account on Linux Servers
- Use a non-root user account instead of the “root” user level.
- Install the software as a non-root user.
- Use sudo to run commands as root if necessary
Update Server Software Regularly
You should update your server software regularly. Updates are essential to keep your server secure and running smoothly, especially if you want to avoid being hacked.
Updates can fix bugs, security issues, and even new features introduced in the latest version of a popular software package. Many web hosts automatically update their servers when they detect an available update. Still, others may require that you perform this task manually by visiting their website (or downloading an application) or calling them directly for instructions on how best to proceed with the installation process. Therefore, always keep your system up-to-date with the latest manual or automatic patches. As long as everything goes according to plan, nothing wrong should happen.
Back up Website Data Regularly
It’s essential to back up your website data regularly. This can be done in several ways, including:
- Backup data to cloud storage or an external hard drive.
- Backup data to an offsite location (such as a remote server).
- Backup all of the essential files on your server, such as images and CSS stylesheets, before making any major changes so you’re ready if something goes wrong with the site and it needs to be rebuilt from scratch.
The tips above are straightforward to follow and implement. They will help you get the best security, performance, uptime, and more on your web hosting server.
The above tips explain how to enhance security on Web Hosting Servers.
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