7 ‘Plant-Health’ Hacks Every Plant Parent Should Know

7 ‘Plant-Health’ Hacks Every Plant Parent Should Know


Whether you’re a plant parent or just someone who wants to keep their home plants healthy, this list of “plant-health” hacks will help! They are also going to work for indoor plants for home decor and other types of plants as well.

1. Constantly moving plants to a window for sunlight could cause stress.

If you have a plant that has been moved to a window for more light, it’s important to keep an eye on its health. Plants need to be in the right location and receive enough sunlight for them to thrive. If your plant isn’t getting enough light and is stressed out, it will develop problems like wilting leaves or brown tips on its leaves.You can take the example of a betel plant. It grows in the direction of the sunlight. If you want it in your garden you can buy betel plant online or purchase it from a local market.

2. Not all plants thrive in the same conditions.

You’ve got a plant or two, and you’re starting to wonder how they’ll fare in your new home. Do they need more water? More sunlight? More nutrients? . Some like their soil wet, and others prefer it dry.

It’s important to understand what your plants need for optimal health—and that includes understanding their preferences for different types of soil (or lack thereof) as well as the amount of light and heat they receive from their surroundings.

All plants need water, but how much and how often depends on many factors. For example, the type of plant (e.g., succulent vs. vine) and its size in relation to its pot will affect how much water it needs.

The best way to tell if a plant needs water is by checking its weight in the pot—if it’s lighter than usual or different from normal then you may want to water it more often since that means your soil isn’t dry enough yet!

3. Some plants need more love (and attention) than others.

There are some plants that are easy to care for, while others can be more challenging. 

Some plants need more light than others. If you have a houseplant that gets too much sun, it may begin to yellow and die. On the other hand, if you live in an area with little sunlight (or no sunlight), then it might be best not to buy any indoor plants at all!

Some plants need more water than others. Certain types of indoor or outdoor greenery will require more moisture than others do—and if your plant doesn’t get enough water over time, this could lead to rot or even death! You’ll want to make sure your houseplants get enough soil every day so they don’t dry out too quickly either way; otherwise their roots will start dying off first thing when temperatures drop during winter months where there aren’t many opportunities for natural sunlight hours per day.”

4. Some plants are finicky about being repotted.

If you’re planning to move your plant into a new pot and suddenly realize that it has outgrown its current one, there are some things to keep in mind:

If a plant is rootbound or has lost its roots, it can’t be repotted without first pruning off any dead or injured parts of the root system. This will allow for better airflow around the roots and improve overall health of the plant.

The right soil mix for each type of plant is essential for healthy growth—if you haven’t changed up what’s been used since last season (or even last month), make sure to do so before moving on with this step!

Not all plants are the same size when you buy them. They need different amounts of space!

Sometimes, the plant you buy is not the same size as the one you want to grow. That’s because they need different amounts of space to grow and thrive. If you don’t give them enough room, they will become unhealthy, like this poor little guy below:

Most plant problems can be avoided by finding the right spot for your plant in your home.

If you’re a plant parent, it’s important to know that most of the problems your plants might be experiencing can be avoided by finding the right spot for them in your home.

Plants often need more light than other household items and should be placed near windows or on shelves with lots of natural light coming through. If you have a sunny window near your kitchen sink, try planting something there—it’ll save you from needing another lamp! Plants that require less exposure will do well if they’re placed away from direct sunlight but still receive plenty of indirect light through windows or skylights; this is especially true if they’re indoors all year round (like houseplants).

Be patient, do your research and most importantly, have fun!

It’s easy to get ahead of yourself when you first start out as a plant parent.  Take your time and do your research, but most importantly, have fun!

The best thing about plants is that they have such a long lifespan and can be passed down from generation to generation. Plus, many plants are interesting enough on their own that you may forget about their health issues if you have other things going on (like having kids).


We hope these tips will help you keep your plants healthy and happy! We’ve all had those moments where we wonder how in the world we could have ever lived without our indoor gardens. But at the same time, there are plenty of other challenges that come with caring for plants in a home environment. That’s why we recommend sticking to your routine—after all, it works so well for you and your plant(s).

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