Purity Test for Boys and Girls – Check your Purity

Purity Test for Boys and Girls – Check your Purity

In most of the countries, girls are taught to be pure and innocent but boys are allowed to do anything so this purity test for boys and girls is for everyone. Being pure doesn’t mean being innocent, there is a very thin line between both which you can understand once you’ll give this purity test. This quiz will let you know the status of your innocence and the result will also tell you whether you’re pure or not. So take this purity test because it matters if you’re a girl or boy.

In most of the countries, girls are taught to be pure and innocent but boys are allowed to do anything so this purity test for boys and girls is for everyone.

This purity test will show how pure you’re according to your standards. You can visit https://xn--testdepuret-lbb.fr/ and see your results.

What do the results indicate?

Being pure doesn’t mean being innocent. There is a very thin line between both which you can understand once you’ll give this purity test.

Purity: Purity means that a person or an object is free from all kinds of impurities, so it means that there are no sins in his life at all.

Innocence: Innocence means being unaware of sinning and therefore not guilty for committing any act which goes against the moral code of society or religion (and some Muslims believe that there’s even a difference between knowing about something and doing it!).

Who’s this test for?

This purity test is for everyone, not just girls. It will tell you if you’re pure or not, if you’re a boy or girl and if your innocence is intact.

The quiz consists of five questions that need to be answered truthfully by both boys and girls before the results can be determined. The questions are as follows:

  • Have any sexual partners in your life? Yes/No
  • Have any sexual experiences with someone other than yourself (e.g., kissing)? Yes/No
  • Are there any wounds on your body that could possibly indicate sexual activity (e.g., cuts or bruises)? Yes/No
  • Do you masturbate often enough so that there’s no chance of pregnancy happening during this time period? Yes/No

Who can take this purity test?

This purity test is not just for girls. This purity test can be used by anyone, and it’s designed to show you how pure you are according to your own standards. It’s also a great way to see if you’re innocent or not!

This test will show you how pure you’re according to your standards. If you’re a girl, it will tell whether or not your purity is intact; if you’re a boy and it’s time for the big day, this test will tell whether or not your virginity remains intact.


This purity test for boys and girls is for everyone. You’ll know if you’re pure or not, which will help you to decide whether you should get married or not. This quiz will let you know your status of innocence and it will also tell you whether you’re pure or not according to your standards. So take this purity test because it matters if your girl or boy!

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