3 Gluten-Free Diet Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

3 Gluten-Free Diet Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

While nearly 2 million people in the United States have been diagnosed with Celiac Disease, millions more have gluten intolerance.

However, as it is an extremely abundant protein found in many different foods, starting a diet free of gluten is challenging. However, once you get the hang of it, you’ll immediately notice a difference in how you feel.

However, there are plenty of gluten-free diet mistakes those making the transition still run into. Keep reading for the most common errors and how you can avoid them.

1. Not Researching Your New Diet

One of the mistakes that many make when going gluten-free is that they skip the research. Unfortunately, this is an extremely essential part of looking after your health. Since there’s no magic pill to make you feel better, you’ll need to do the brunt of the work.

Before you change your diet, you’ll need to look into all the foods and drinks containing gluten. While most think cutting out bread and pasta will suffice, this protein sneaks its way into anything made with wheat; that includes most beers!

Understanding what to avoid and researching a food before you eat it if you’re unsure whether or not it contains gluten can make all the difference in your health.

2. Cutting “Almost” All Gluten Out

As previously mentioned, the brunt of living a gluten-free life is on your shoulders. This means you’ll need to completely cut all gluten out of your diet to see a difference.

Unfortunately, an occasional cheat day or including small amounts of gluten in your everyday diet won’t do the trick. Think of it like quitting an addiction; you can’t completely quit if you’re still sneaking your vice into your routine!

Be sure to start reading food labels to guarantee the food you’re eating doesn’t contain any gluten. You can also keep a list of “safe,” gluten-free food on hand, like peanut butter, fruit, meat, and rice to, ensure you always have options.

3. Binging on Unhealthy Gluten-Free Options

Though your options may be limited when you can’t have gluten, many assume that as long as the food is free from common gluten ingredients, they can indulge.

However, still eating a balanced diet is crucial to living a healthy life. Getting all the major food groups is essential to staying healthy, especially if you have Celiac Disease or a gluten-intolerance.

Much like any other person, you can indulge in gluten-free cookies in moderation! However, don’t rely on snacks to sustain your diet.

The Most Common Gluten-Free Diet Mistakes

Keeping these gluten-free diet mistakes in mind when adopting your new lifestyle. Things like making a gluten-free shopping list, researching gluten-friendly restaurants, and recording a food journal can help you stay on top of your diet.

If you’re ready to change your diet and live your healthiest life thanks to this guide, you’ll want to check out the rest of our website. There, you’ll find more health and wellness tips to ensure you live your healthiest life. 

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