9 Important Winter Plumbing Tips

9 Important Winter Plumbing Tips

The risk of pipes freezing or bursting increases with the drop in temperatures. According to the Ia study burst pipes are the leading cause of property damage in cold weather. This can lead to thousands of dollars of water damage. This costly hassle can be avoided by following a few tips on cold weather plumbing and then calling a professional plumber to do winter plumbing maintenance.

Plumbers Bayview are available to assist you with any winter plumbing maintenance issues. There are some simple things that you can do on your own. These are nine easy winter plumbing tips.

Disconnect Your Outside Hose

The first to freeze is the outdoor hose. To prevent your pipes freezing, it is important to remove and store all outdoor hoses. This is a must-do task that you should complete before any cold weather hits. It is also a good idea to locate and turn off outside faucets and shut off valves when it gets below freezing.

Inspect Your Home for Leaks

It is the best time of year for a property inspection and to check for plumbing leaks. Low water pressure is a sign that you should inspect in your showerheads and faucets. You should immediately contact a professional if you find any leaks. Even small leaks can build up over time and waste water. This will increase your utility bills.

Keep your house warm

While this may seem obvious to prevent your pipes from freezing, it will also keep your home warm. House pipe bursts are most commonly caused by low indoor temperatures. Your thermostat should be turned on and set, and the temperature inside your home must not drop below 55 degrees.

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Check your sinks for potential clogging issues

It is not a good idea for your sink to be used as a garbage disposal. When temperatures drop, oils and fats can freeze down the drain, especially in winter. These can clog drains and create additional problems. Make sure you dispose of grease properly and your drains are free from obstructions.

Inspect Your Pipes

Plumbers Bayview can check your pipes if they haven’t been tested before. A Plumber Bayview professional can also help protect your property from burst pipes by insuring them and replacing any that are damaged. If a pipe bursts, a homeowner’s life could be completely turned upside-down.

Get rid of those drips

The risk of freezing pipes can be increased by leaking taps. It will save you thousands of litres every day by being fixed.

Do You Have a Water metre?

Check that your metre is securely shut when it is attached to the wall.

Are you far from your home?

Empty buildings pose a particular threat. You can turn off the stop tap if you are going to be away from home for a while and then drain the system. This will ensure that there is no water left in the system which could cause it to freeze. Your heating system should be kept on low to keep pipes from freezing and warm your home.

And finally, Don’t forget your family, friends and neighbours

Help them out if they need a hand preparing – and perhaps agree to watch each other’s houses if you’re going to be away.


If you’re unable to fix the issue yourself please call professional Plumbers Bayview for the required plumbing work.

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