Important Features In The New Magento Commerce Cloud

Magento Commerce

The new Magento Commerce Cloud service has now come into action to make deployment even more accessible and convenient. It’s been just a few years since the launch, and the Magento Commerce Cloud has already become popular among customers. 

It has gained many loyal new customers who favor deploying via Magento Commerce Cloud over any other third-party services. This venture is still in the growth phase, and Magneto partners are still modifying it based on customer feedback. So let us have a look at the new features incorporated into the new Magento Commerce Cloud.

Launching of Eco-tool Packages

Magento development now come with upgraded services to eco-tool packages to provide a true well-managed deployment. This system can be scaled as per the requirements of the customers. In recent times Magento tools have been run by eco tools. When all the versions are compiled in a single package, it is easy for the merchants to focus on their upgradation. It also allows the Magento services to release new features like this often.

Configuration workflow and Hassle-free Production Deployment

Previously in the cloud, the job for the developers was a bit difficult. They used three separate git depots to manage integration, staging, and product environment. Moreover, staging and production environments are now available through the cloud, so developers had to push to a different production repo after integration. 

But recently, staging and production git repo was introduced to the cloud system itself that compiles the environments together. Magento consultants also enabled self-configuration and management systems to make the deployment process friction-free.

Speed of Production Deployment and Performance Boost

The production deployment speed depends upon the site’s overall size and the static contents such as images, videos, JavaScripts, etc. The first and foremost step taken to increase the speed is moving the SCD to the build phase of deployment. In addition to that, full static phase deployment is disabled to increase the speed. This can be run when the page is requested. It also enables premium customers to use the capacity of the available nodes on the Pro production environment to boost performance.

Local Development Template

Previously, the developers took care of local environment management on their own. But in 2018, the Magento Cloud template was introduced, which assures that local build commands do not impact the code and will lead to the remote environment. 

Simplified Management Process

In order to make the job easy for the developers, Magento introduced the .magento.env.yaml file that keeps the record of all the configuration applications for the build/deploy procedure. This process is also compatible with the previous configuration processes used in Magento.

Increase in Available Memory

Magento relies on AWS (Amazon Web Services ) to run the Cloud offering as the underlying infrastructure service. This ensures a 100 percent increase in memory which significantly impacts performance. Magento is already offering this service to new customers and has started to migrate all the old customers to this process.

Enhanced Security

Magento takes responsibility for the security of the entire process. Here the responsibility is shared between different parties, making cloud technology more secure. Recently they have started a Web Application Firewall (WAF) to create a secure environment to protect the system from malicious traffic.

PCI compliance

In order to make the customers assured about the security of their store and to maintain PCI compliance, cloud services have confined connections to only TLS 1.2 ( Transport Layer Security ). Thus, even Magento no longer accepts connections from visitors using old versions of TLS to avoid any security vulnerability.

Bottom Line

Introducing a lot of new features into the cloud system has attracted a large number of customers. Magento certified partners are working on launching many more new features to the cloud system to make the customer experience better than earlier.

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