Berlin Wall Fast Facts – CNN

The wall separating East and West Berlin was about 12 feet high and about 27 miles long, with 302 watchtowers and 55,000 antipersonnel explosive devices (mines).

The walls were reinforced with barbed wire, spikes, metal bars, bunkers, and obstructing vehicles to prevent escape by climbing or digging under them.

The buffer zone between the two walls, the wide open area of ​​dirt and sand, became known as the “no man’s land” or “death strip” where watchtower guards could shoot anyone who tried to escape. became.

The most famous border crossing was known as Checkpoint Charlie.


[February4-111945-[1945年2月4日~11日- Faced with Germany’s defeat Second World War, The Allied Conference of Yalta agrees to divide Germany into four occupied territories. Britain, France, and the United States occupy the West, Northwest, and South, while the Soviet Union occupies the East. Berlin, a Soviet territory, is also divided into east and west.

1949- The territories occupied by Great Britain, France and the United States become West Germany (formally known as the Federal Republic of Germany). The Soviet bloc becomes East Germany (officially the German Democratic Republic). West Germany is a democratic republic. East Germany is a communist country allied with the Soviet Union.

1949-1961- Over 2.7 million East Germans fled to the West. Foreigners, West Germans, West Berliners and Allied soldiers can enter East Berlin, but East Berliners need a special pass to leave.

August 12, 1961 – East German Communist Party leader Walter Ulbricht signs orders for barricades separating East and West Berlin.

From August 13, 1961 The head of the East German security forces, Erich Honecker, ordered the police and military to build barbed wire fences and began construction of concrete barricades.

From August 18, 1961 U.S. Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson and retired General Lucius Clay fly to Berlin to show U.S. support for West Germany.

August 20, 1961- The US sends 1,500 troops to Berlin as tensions rise along the border.

From August 23, 1961 Unauthorized citizens of West Berlin are prohibited from entering East Berlin.

June 26, 1963 – US President John F. Kennedy addresses a West Berlin crowd at the Rathaus Schöneberg (City Hall) on Rudolf Wilde Platz. ) All free men are citizens of Berlin, wherever they live. Therefore, as a free man, I am proud of the words “Ich bin ein Berliner”. ”

September 12-13, 1964 – Martin Luther King Jr. Visited Berlin at the invitation of West Berlin Mayor Willy Brandt. King preaches on both sides of the wall. “East and West, Children of God”

September 3, 1971- Talks between the United States, Great Britain, France, and the Soviet Union have improved conditions for West Berliners, facilitated access to and from West Germany and West Berlin, and facilitated access to and from the East by West Berliners. It also normalizes Berlin’s status as a divided city.

December twenty one, 1972- West Germany and East Germany sign a basic treaty normalizing diplomatic relations and recognizing each other’s sovereignty.

From April 1989 East German border guards have been instructed to stop “using firearms to prevent border violations”.

From October 18, 1989 Communist leader Honecker was ousted and replaced by Egon Krenz.

From November 2, 1989 Krenz announces sweeping political and economic reforms.

November Four, 1989- More than 500,000 attend freedom rally in East Berlin calling for free elections.

From November 6, 1989 A temporary law was passed giving all citizens limited travel and immigration rights. Travel time is still restricted and authorities can arbitrarily deny travel permits.

From November 7, 1989 The East German Cabinet resigns en masse. Almost half of the members of the Politburo are sacked and replaced the next day.

From November 9, 1989 East Germany lifts travel restrictions to the West. Politburo member Günter Schabowski announced that East German citizens “can leave the country through the East German border checkpoints” will come into effect immediately.

November 9-10, 1989 – The jubilant crowd uses hands, pickaxes, hammers and shovels to tear down the wall bit by bit.

November 10-11, 1989 – Several new intersections will be opened. Tens of thousands of people cross to West Berlin.

From October 3, 1990 East and West Germany are officially reunified as the Federal Republic of Germany.

From August 14, 2018 Members of the Berlin Council A previously unknown section of the wall was recently discovered in a residential area of ​​the cityThe walls were covered with overgrown bushes and hid for a long time.
The Berlin Wall fell over 30 years ago.But invisible barriers still divide Germany


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