Democratic National Committee Postpones Rules Committee Vote in Early State Calendar

The DNC committee that deals with calendars was scheduled to vote on the issue this week. hearing presentation from 16 States and Puerto Ricointerested in becoming one of the first presidential nomination contests in 2024.

Sources said the decision to postpone the vote was made because of a number of unresolved issues, including how each election would be conducted and the feasibility of each opening day.

Sources say Democrats want to keep the focus on the midterm elections rather than the 2024 nomination process.

DNC officials have told stakeholders that the commission will hold a vote as soon as possible after the midterm elections.

A representative for the DNC declined to comment.

Democratic officials will apply for permits this year in every state they want to hold nomination contests by the first Tuesday in March, including the traditional four states of Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina. Approved a plan requiring that

Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Texas The state, Washington, gave a presentation to the Rules and Bylaws Committee detailing why. They should be one of the first states to hold a presidential nomination contest in the next presidential election.

At the time of presentation, the focus was specifically on Iowa. Faced with criticism of the caucus process and lack of statehood, Iowa was proposing drastic changes to its complex system with the aim of maintaining its “first in the nation” status. Diversity and competitiveness at the presidential level.

Democrats aim to have the nascent group of states represent all regions of the nation, and the status of New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina is generally considered safe, so other Midwestern states It is expected that there will be fierce competition between Replaces Iowa.

Minnesota, Michigan and Illinois are vying for the spot, but all three bids have potential problems.

During the presentation, Iowa’s proposal called for some simplifications to the caucus process.


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