Invasive species “Giant hornet” has been given a new name

The Entomological Society of America and the Entomological Society of Canada Recruitment The new name for the murderous wasp, also known as the giant hornet, states that “using’Asia’in the name of a pest can unintentionally intensify anti-Asian sentiment.” Hate crime And discrimination against Asians. ”

According to the ESA, all bees are native to Asia, so the name Asian giant hornet does not convey specific information about the biology or behavior of that species.

Chris Looney, an entomologist at the Washington Department of Agriculture, Name change proposalThe former common name for this species, scientifically called Vespa Mandarinia, is “at best a neutral, informative adjective that can distract from the more prominent features of an organism and, in the worst case, racism. It’s a trend. “
According to experts, monarch butterflies can become extinct if these three steps are not taken.

“We don’t want Asian Americans and Pacific Islands colleagues, friends and family to have negative implications for invasive and pest insect species,” said ESA President Jessica Ware.

In 2021, ESA Guidelines for common names of acceptable insects Ban names that refer to ethnic or racial groups, or names that can cause fear, and discourage names that refer to geographic areas, especially for invading species.
“The common name is an important tool for entomologists to communicate with the general public about insects and insect science,” says Ware. At release Monday. “The giant hornet is scientifically accurate and easy to understand, and does not cause fear or discrimination.”

The giant hornet poses a potential threat to bees, human health and agriculture, said Carlasalp, director of communications for the Washington State Department of Agriculture.

In 2019, the wasp, now known as the giant hornet, was discovered in Washington State, and since then efforts have been made to completely eradicate this species. The public helped find three of the four eradicated nests in the state, demonstrating the importance of public awareness.

Washington is the only US state to see giant hornet sightings, but if not included, the species can be found elsewhere in the Pacific Northwest. Journal of Insect Science 2021 Study..
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According to the ESA’s so-called toolkit for giant hornets, “if allowed to set up in a region within North America, the giant hornet can have a significant impact on the local ecosystem.”

“The giant hornet generally does not attack humans, but it does when provoked or threatened,” said the toolkit. “Their puncture wounds are longer than the bees and bee puncture wounds found in North America, and the venom is more toxic.”

It’s not just the giant hornets that damage bee hives, the word murder evokes fear, Mr. Ware said. She hopes that her name change will allow people to learn and understand species from a broader perspective.

“The giant hornet, like all 1.5 million species of insects, has some negative things, but it lives a complex life,” says Ware. “Some parts of its life history and ecology are really fascinating. It has existed for millions of years before humans appeared.”

Ware recommends submitting a request to the Better Common Names Project if there are insect names that you think need to be changed.


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