New Jersey Medieval Times performers vote to unite in state-wide trends

Lyndhurst, NJ -Lyndhurst’s Medieval Times performer just voted for the union.

As CBS2’s Ali Bauman reports, it’s part of a larger trend.

Once upon a time in New Jersey, there was a group of knights who were dissatisfied with their wages and working conditions.

“I think almost everyone who works here in our position has to rely on secondary income,” said performer Sean Quigley.

He says the cast members, many of whom have to play jousts on live horses, are stunt performers in nature, earning about $ 100 per show.

“I’ve seen people as young as 20 or 21 suffer from chronic injuries,” Quigley said. “And sometimes they can no longer physically continue to work, at which point they leave the company and they are sent along the way to tap their backs.”

So just last week, the performers voted for the union. They did it with the help of Governor Phil Murphy.

“They are excited about the idea that they can continue to work in a comfortable and predictable way, which has been a struggle for many years,” says Quigley.

This knight’s story is part of a bigger trend. According to a Rutgers University study, there are more workers in New Jersey than before the pandemic.

Professor Todd Vachon, director of the Rutgers University Labor Education Program, said:

Vachon, who produced the report, states that the pandemic was a turning point for many workers, especially those in the service industry.

“It stimulated a lot of collective activity at work, as many faced really dangerous and unhealthy working conditions,” he said.

Reports found in several other states show similar trends to New Jersey, with new union initiatives such as: Staten Island Amazon WarehouseInspiring more workers.

“It really helped bring people home that this is normal,” Quigley said.

“If I do this report again, I’d like to see what it looks like two years from now, to see if it’s just a radar blip or if the fate of the labor movement has really changed.” Said.

Medieval Times management has not responded to CBS2’s repeated requests for comment.

Now the knights are preparing to start negotiations.


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