What are the bipartisan plans to stop Riot 2.0?

Nothing is more daring than dismantling the Baroque Electoral College or launching a national popularity poll.

But it will try to close the loophole that former President Donald Trump’s allies have failed to exploit in an effort to overturn the 2020 election results.

read Complete report From CNN’s Manuraju and Claire Foran. The proposal announced on Wednesday will be split into two bills.

I’m writing more about what went wrong when Trump tried to overturn the election results than how to fix the system.

That story of accountability continues:

  • The House Select Committee investigating the returns of the riots Thursday’s prime time hearing To record what Trump was doing when the riots struck the US Capitol.
  • The fake slate of voters advocated by the Trump allies in Georgia is that they At risk of prosecution In Georgia.

But the news from the normally paralyzed US Senate is worth a little more attention.

Who is proposing these changes?

Proposals are being driven by the few moderate Republicans and Democrats in the Senate. For it to be law, we need to endure the people on the right who claim that there is nothing to fix, and the people on the left who claim that it is not advanced enough.

The bipartisan senator is arguably the most conservative Democrat, led by Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, and arguably the most liberal Republican, Senator Susan Collins of Maine. ..

They have joined these Republicans:

  • Retired: Senator Rob Portman, Ohio.
  • Three people who voted for Collins to convict Trump of high crime and contempt after the riot: Senator Mitt Romney of Utah, Ben Sasse of Nebraska, and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska.
  • Others who were sometimes critical of Trump: Tom Tillis of North Carolina, Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, Todd Young of Indiana.
  • And one longtime Trump ally: Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.

The proposal is actually one more Republican co-sponsor than the Democratic. Joining Manchin are Senator Kyrsten Cinema of Arizona, Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire, Ben Cardin of Maryland, Chris Murphy of Connecticut, Chris Coons of Delaware, and Mark Warner of Virginia.

What is the fix?

One of the two bills Reforming the voter voting law, the 1887 Byzantine law, the Trump ally, sought to abuse it when it urged then-Vice President Mike Pence to reject the 2020 results.

Read this story I wrote back in January for a review of the poorly written law: Voter Voting Law: How to Stop Riots 2.0..
Or go deeper with this Step-by-step guide to counting voters We prepared and published it on January 6, 2021.

What will change?

problem: The Trump ally tried to transfer the alternative slate of voters in the major states he lost.

repair: Specifically, the bill will make it clear that each state can only submit one slate of voters to vote for the electoral college that actually elects the president.

problem: It is not always clear who will transfer the electorate of the candidate and how the process will be completed.

repair: The bill will clarify the governors of each state, unless otherwise provided by state law or the Constitution. -As an official documenting state voters.

problem: Under federal law, it is not clear how voters can be contested.

repair: The bill will create a specific judicial channel that quickly leads to the Supreme Court for “suffering presidential candidates” to challenge the controversy over voters.

problem: A small number of members (one member of the House of Representatives and one member of the Senate) can object to objecting to the Electoral College on January 6, after the presidential election.

repair: This proposal requires one-fifth of the members of the House (usually 87 members of the House and 20 members of the Senate) to challenge the voters.

problem: Trump’s allies wanted Pence to simply reject the results from the state Trump lost.

repair: The role of the Vice President will only be clarified as a “ministerial”.

problem: Current legislation may empower the Legislature to ignore the popularity vote in the state by declaring an “election failure” in some readings.

repair: The bill details that the state may move election days From the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November to another date if you need to deal with a catastrophe.

Spell out the presidential transition

Another provision of the bill focusing on the voter voting law Will fix the presidential transition.

It will ensure that both candidates for the disputed presidential election are given to the federal government. Resources to prepare for the transition if the outcome of the election is questionable.

More importantly, it ensures that the winner of the election receives the migration resource if it is clear that the winner of the election has won.

Recall that the Trump administration refused to accept the defeat and frozen Joe Biden’s team from the transition.

Other suggestions for election security

The second bill, which concerns election security, has less Republican support.

CNN reports that it will “strengthen federal penalties for those who threaten or threaten election managers and strengthen penalties for falsifying election records.”

Can this bipartisan bid to protect US democracy?

The first hurdle is to overcome filibuster.

The bill to amend the Voter Voting Act currently has nine Republican Republican supporters. This is less than one in ten people needed to break the filibuster. And it assumes that all Democrats will participate.

We need to wait for what other Republicans and Democrats say.

If the bill passes the Senate, it will face Democrats in the House of Representatives, but nonetheless, their much more spectacular proposal to review the US electoral system and ensure freer and easier access to voting. Blocked by the Republican Party In the Senate.

stay tuned.

Source: www.cnn.com

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