According to the White House, about 300,000 children under the age of five have at least one Covid-19 infection.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration Emergency use authorization June 17, Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna vaccines for infants. The CDC Vaccine Advisor voted unanimously on June 18 and supported recommending Covid-19 vaccination for children under 6 months of age. Vaccine administration started Shortly thereafter.

White House executives said Thursday’s data were “very in line” with the Biden administration’s expectations for this age group, although they were significantly behind the pace of other age groups.

“It assumes a few things. In particular, parents tend to make this kind of decision. The overwhelming majority want their children to be vaccinated in the pediatrician’s office or the family donor’s office. I am accustomed to vaccination of my children, including annual wellness visits and regular visits. ”

Incorporation of the 6-month to 5-year-old age group lags behind the pace of the 5- to 11-year-old age group in the same time frame. This is due to the demographic differences of these ages by the authorities. group.

“I expected this to be a little slower than 5 to 11, slower than 12 to 17 and slower than adults. As you know, this is what we expected and what we prepared. I said.

Three weeks after the vaccine was approved for the 5-11 year old group, 15% of the population received at least one vaccination compared to 2% of the 6 month to 5 year old group.

Authorities had previously warned that the adoption of the Covid-19 vaccine would be delayed if the youngest person in the United States was eligible.

“Looking at this vaccination program for our smallest Americans, it feels a bit different from our previous vaccination program, which means that parents rely on their pediatrician and their doctor. I know, “Whitehouse Covid-19 Response Coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha told reporters at the Whitehouse last month. “We were guided by our approach with very clear data that most parents want to vaccinate their little children in a familiar environment. Also, many parents ask questions. We also know that we … and we would like to encourage all parents to talk to them: talk to doctors, pediatricians, talk to your doctor, and also to vaccinations. We also know that trust grows over time. “

Dr. Sean O’Leary, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics Infectious Diseases Commission, told CNN in an interview that it was too early to determine the success of the younger age group.

“The campaign is still being strengthened,” he said, adding that “data is often delayed.”

O’Leary points out that many parents take a “wait-and-see” approach, and many parents make these decisions during regular visits to their child’s health care provider. It reflects the White House rating and suggests that uptake will continue to increase. He added that many primary care providers do not yet have special vaccines for children under the age of five in stock, presenting additional challenges for distribution.

A senior White House official said the government had delivered more than 5 million vaccines to 15,000 facilities nationwide for people under the age of five.

In addition to the surge in bookings for the new semester each year, officials are also considering future trips and surges in the case of “(parental motivation)” if they are considering whether to vaccinate young children. Mentioned.

“We expect the flow to be somewhat stable as people visit providers on a regular basis, and there will be moments of increased interest and growth,” said a person familiar with the matter.

Conversations with providers are more key to parents’ decision-making than any other White House effort to encourage vaccination for this group, according to people familiar with the matter.

“The most pervasive thing is talking to health care providers. We hear from health care providers you know and trust. Appointment of a pediatrician is very important. I think the appointment of a family health care provider is very important, “said officials.

To that end, the top three physician organizations wrote an open letter to parents and caregivers on Thursday, urging them to talk to their health care providers about vaccination of their children.

“If you or your child has not yet been immunized with COVID-19, now is a good time to talk to your doctor about the vaccine. This will ensure that your family will have another possibility by this fall. It will be protected. It will skyrocket as schools reopen and people spend more time indoors, “the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Academy of Family Medicine wrote in a letter.

This letter warns of the unpredictability of Covid-19. “Even healthy children without an underlying disorder can experience short-term and long-term health complications with COVID-19, affecting their mental and physical health and quality of life.” I’m adding. Vaccines “prevent the most serious illnesses”.

The letter said, “Approval of the long-awaited Covid-19 vaccine for infants is an important milestone and reassuring for millions of families. Science has given us the tools to defeat this virus. Now it’s up to you. Find a Covid-19 vaccine for your child. Caregivers should consult with a medical professional, community health department, or clinic, or visit ”

CNN’s Deidre McPhillips contributed to this report.


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