Manchin states that the bipartisan gun agreement “does not deprive rights or privileges.”

“It’s based on children. It’s based on prevention and intervention. That’s what it’s based on. So we have to take a positive view of what we have and work on it. Hmm. This drafted law should not threaten any law.-Protecting the citizens of the United States. Not alone, “Manchin told CNN’s Jake Tapper about” Reed. “

“And law-abiding gun owners shouldn’t get angry with this. We don’t deprive them of their rights or privileges. They may lose their children and grandchildren.” ..

Manchin is part of an announced bipartisan senator group Agreement on Gun Safety Law Principles.. “We need mental health resources, improve school safety and support for students, and secure people who are determined to be unable to purchase weapons for dangerous criminals and mentally ill people,” the group said in a statement on Sunday. It helps to do it. “
In particular, the announcement includes: Support for 10 Republican Senators, It will give the proposal sufficient support to overcome the Senate filibuster. “I sincerely believe that there will be more than 10 Republicans,” Manchin said on Monday when asked if GOP support would move forward.

“Many of my best friends and colleagues on the Republican side have made progress in search of the most rational way to do something to protect American children,” Manchin told Tapper.

On Monday, Senator Charles Ernest Grassley of Iowa, a top Republican member of the Judiciary Committee, spoke positively about the broader framework of gun violence law, but needs to see the final text before deciding how to vote. I warned that there was.

“I think they’re very reasonable, but you’ll have to see what the text says,” Grassley said at the Capitol. Initially, when asked if he would support the proposal, he snapped to the reporter, “Is it stupid enough to say that I support something without looking at the text?”

South Dakota Republican Senator Whip John Thune, who is facing re-election this year, will not say the same if he supports the bipartisan gun framework Monday afternoon. “I think it’s difficult until the invoice text is displayed,” Toon said.

He later added that “many of it depends on how this is drafted.”

Their comments emphasize that legislation remains one of the biggest factors for bipartisan groups. Still, the Democratic Party maintains its ambitious goals. The aide told CNN that he would draft a bill and keep the Republican Party until the next adjournment.

CNN’s Ted Barrett, Lauren Fox and Devan Cole contributed to this report.


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