The stadium of the house is almost set. And it’s pretty Republican leaning.

Easy Answer: Good for Republicans. And potentially very good for them.

“Our rating now shows at least 214 races leaning towards the Republicans, at least 193 races leaning towards the Democrats, and 28 toss-ups, which is a clear advantage for the Republicans.” Wrote Kyle Condik For a crystal ball at the University of Virginia.
Looking at it, Democrats Currently being held It has 220 seats and the Republican Party has 208 seats. Seven seats (formerly five seats for the Republican Party and two seats for the Democratic Party) are now vacant.

If you draw only the most competitive house contests, the gap in opportunity is clear.

Crystal Ball rates the Republican’s seven seats as “toss-up” and three more seats as “lean Republican.” One of the Republican-owned seats is listed as “lean democracy.”

In contrast, the Democratic Party rates 21 seats as “toss-up” and 14 seats as “lean Democrats.” In addition, the party has eight seats that are classified as “Lean Republicans” and three seats that are classified as “Probably Republicans.”

Calculations show that Democrats have about four times as many vulnerable House seats as Republicans.

And the crystal ball is not alone in its projection.

Cook Political Report with Amy Walter, Another Widely Respected Political Handicap Service, carry 24 seats held by the Democratic Party in the “toss-up” category compared to 9 seats held by the Republican Party. Cook also rates the 10 Democratic seats as leaning or possibly Republican.

And like a crystal ball, Cook has only one Republican seat-the 13th district of Illinois-rated as “lean democracy” or less.

Now, it’s worth noting here that just because a seat is rated as toss-up (or worse) does not mean that it has been lost to the party holding it. .. Campaigns and candidates are important-as well as the political environment they are running.

But, at least in terms of the environment, the news isn’t good for Democrats either.

President Joe Biden’s approval rate has consistently remained in his early 40s (Or even worse), It rarely suggests that it will change significantly between now and November. Inflation is still a problem.The national average gasoline price is Approaching now $ 5 per gallon.

point: All in all, there is good reason to be confident that the Republicans will not only recapture the House of Representatives in November, but also have ample room to govern.


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