5 Benefits of Physiotherapy At Home

5 Benefits of Physiotherapy At Home


Unlike traditional physiotherapists who work in typical “bricks and mortar” clinic locations, mobile physiotherapists perform home visit consultations.

Patients and practitioners are increasingly aware of the advantages of home physiotherapy (“Physiotherapy At Home”). In this blog, I’ll go through five key benefits for individual residents and how they help to improve comprehensive healthcare service in Dubai today.

  1. Personal Safety Advantages

The main benefit of physiotherapy at home is safety. It relieves an injured and presumably stressed individual of a load of transportation (from home to physical clinic or hospital, and return).

I wondered how patients in severe pain made it to their appointments, especially for weekend consultations, when I worked as a traditional, fixed location physiotherapist. I heard stories about individuals going to great lengths to keep appointments, such as complex moves to get into and drive their automobiles despite searing or shooting pain. Patients have even reported driving while unable to check their blind spots owing to neck pain!

Because of these safety concerns, physio Dubai at home is still gaining popularity today. Although patients should be applauded for their perseverance, traveling to and from a clinic is risky and can result in catastrophic, if not fatal, traffic accidents.

A mobile physiotherapist will come to your home to provide a top-notch examination (see below) and treatment of your ailment after a day and time have been established for the appointment.

  • Evaluation

A physiotherapy Dubai consultation begins with an assessment, which is the foundation for patient treatment. Consider the following scenario: If we don’t get it right the first time, all subsequent assumptions will be inaccurate, delaying your recovery. “I think my mattress is causing me back discomfort,” a patient might explain during a clinic consultation. As the best physiotherapist Dubai working in a fixed place, I’d have to assume how the bed looks and feels. During physiotherapy at home appointments, on the other hand, I can quickly check the bed (mattress, box spring, pillows, etc.) and determine whether it’s alright or needs to be replaced.

If I wrongly think that the mattress is fine and do not urge replacement in a regular clinic setting, the chance of back injury increases even more before actual steps are made. So it is better o shift to iSense mattress which are superior quality mattress.

  • Affordability

Injured patients sensibly wish to avoid outside movement by resting at home if they have moderate to severe mobility difficulties. Why not call a mobile physiotherapist Dubai in these circumstances, even in less severe cases where it is not technically unsafe to visit a legal clinic? It’s simply more straightforward and convenient for all parties involved!

Consider parents with small children, for whom even a routine appointment is never regular. Inside clinics or other unfamiliar situations, children become easily restless, causing significant stress for everyone. Because the physiotherapist’s attention span is reduced, the quality of the assessment, treatment, and results suffers. Patients become disappointed, and their children’s frustration builds as they watch Mom and Dad unable to execute essential duties. Or, at the very least, perform things with incredible difficulty.

So, why not have someone come to your house and pamper you?

  • People with Disabilities Have Equal Access.

Many persons with disabilities, unfortunately, are unable to visit traditional clinics. Despite Dubai efforts to become a more inclusive society, many of the country’s buildings are not handicap-friendly. While most people don’t have a problem with steps and narrow areas, they’re significant barriers to conquer if you’re in a wheelchair.

As a former fixed-site clinic owner, I can attest to physical location accessibility when opening a business. Unfortunately, commercial rent is expensive, so many physiotherapy clinics are compelled to locate in the back of strip malls or among a jumble of tiny stores. Before entering the clinic, there will be a more significant number of potential hazards and impediments.

Patients have more mobility and control of their environment in the location where they are most familiar. Thus physio at home simplifies access difficulties.

  • Reduce the number of overheads.

There is a financial incentive for the physiotherapy at home trend and several advantages for allied health professionals.

Running a physical clinic is costly, with high fixed expenditures and frequent income uncertainties. Unfortunately, during the holidays and slow seasons, these expenditures continue to rise. On the other hand, a well-run mobile clinic has a low overhead. It allows practitioners to shift to a lifestyle business, which means a less stressful life that better balances family, professional, and social goals/commitments.


Royal Premiere Healthcare is at the forefront of Dubai’s mobile physiotherapy at home Dubai, with a network of practitioners available to do home consultations regardless of where you are in the city.

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