Opinion: Survey results on aftershocks of school shooting

Fast forward in 2022.School shooting is happening More often..Firearm injuries Major causes of death For young Americans. I’m a 40-year-old kid psychologist, doing firearm safety research, and because I’m the mother of two elementary school children, the kids said, “Mom, are we safe? Someone shoots us. Are you at school? ”

After the tragedy in Uvalde, Texas, the country has been freed from horrific loss of life, but asks about its impact on mental health for students who survived school shootings and for millions of young people. That is also important. The United States lives in fear of its school becoming the next target. Young Americans are still likely to be exposed to other forms of gun violence, but the threat of shooting at school is imminent and it is unclear how this will affect mental health and well-being. Hmm.

This is the context in which our children are alive. So what do we know about the consequences of school shootings at young people living through them?Unfortunately, it hasn’t been thoroughly investigated, but what we know suggests that these shootings are left behind. Major impactAs we expect.
Survivor severity Symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder It is related to the proximity to mass shootings. Increased anxiety and sadnessAnd local exposure to school shootings are associated with Increased use of antidepressants Among young people.School shooting Will increase again Absences and repeated grades, reduced test scores, reduced chances of completing high school and college, reduced employment and income between the ages of 24-26. Costs are social as well as personal.
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Young people who have never experienced mass shootings majority Some of them are worried about what can happen at school.Also, little is known about the impact of school safety tactics, such as active shooter training, on youth well-being, but early findings show that they Associated with increased symptoms of anxiety, stress and depression..

So how do you move forward?

First, we need to establish some commonalities. Safety is important to everyone, whether they are the owner of the firearm or not. Parents want their children to be safe at school. Teachers want to go to work without fighting active shooters. Gun safety, including responsible and safe storage of firearms, is not the same as gun control and is something we all agree on.

Second, in line with the gun safety approach, we should deal with firearm violence As a public health issue, Just as you have to prevent car injuries.There is Evidence-based solution At the level of individuals, organizations, communities and societies we know we can take to make a difference.
These solutions include establishing norms and systems for responsible and safe firearm storage, vacant lots. Green community spaceWhich studies show that violence and crime reduction are correlated, Restrictions on purchasing large magazines For semi-automatic or assault weapons.
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Third, mental health needs to be prioritized and criticized. We must invest in making mental health accessible to all Americans. This means that mental health needs to be the foundation of healthcare and incorporated into the educational curriculum. You also need to ensure fair access to evidence-based mental health services in schools, communities, faith-based organizations, and where children and families may need them.This is always necessary, but especially Period after school shooting..
Fourth, we must fund firearm safety research. For over 20 years Little federal funding for firearm injury prevention research for Provisions of the 1996 Parliamentary Budget, known as the Dicky Amendment..It didn’t change until 2019 when Congress is Congress Assigned Having donated $ 25 million to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health, there is still much work to be done to better understand how to make firearms safer and reduce injuries and deaths.
Fifth, influential people need to speak. In 2017, rapper Logic wrote the song “1-800-273-8255”, the phone number for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.This song is Related to Increased calls to lifelines and decreased suicides. Similarly, speaking about the safety of firearms requires a public or influential person. On Thursday, the New York Yankees and Tampa Bay Rays refrained from tweeting during the match. I shared the facts instead About gun violence in the aftermath of school shootings in Yuvarde.

We hope that, as a country, if we take the above steps, one day we will live in a country where shooting at school is unthinkable again. We must not lose hope and forget. If each of us takes action and gathers as a community with a common foundation, there is a way to move forward.

Source: www.cnn.com

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