Unveiling the Function and Beauty of Stage Curtains in Live Performances

Stage curtains are an essential component of any theatrical production or live event. They are not only functional but also add to the visual appeal of the performance. Stage curtains come in a variety of styles and materials, and choosing the right type of curtain can make a big difference in the overall impact of a show. In this blog post, we will explore the different types of stage curtains and their functions.

Types of Stage Curtains

Main Curtains

Main curtains, also known as grand drapes, are the primary curtains that cover the front of the stage. They are typically made of heavyweight fabric and are used to create a dramatic opening and closing to a show. Main curtains are often decorated with intricate designs, such as pleats or swags, to add to the visual appeal of the performance.


Backdrops are large curtains or painted scenes that are placed behind the actors on stage. They are used to create the illusion of a different location or setting and can be changed throughout a performance to create different scenes. Backdrops can be made of fabric or painted on canvas, and they can be stationary or flown in and out of the stage.

Legs and Borders

Legs and borders are smaller curtains that are used to define the edges of the stage. Legs are tall, narrow curtains that run vertically from the stage floor to the grid, while borders are shorter curtains that run horizontally across the top of the stage. Legs and borders are often used to hide the wings or backstage areas from the audience’s view.


Cycloramas, or cycs, are large curtains made of lightweight fabric that are used as a backdrop for lighting effects. They are typically white or light-colored and are illuminated from behind to create a seamless, uniform background for a performance. Cycloramas are often used in dance performances and concerts to create a dynamic, ever-changing background.

Functions of Stage Curtains

Creating a Visual Impact

One of the main functions of stage curtains is to create a visual impact for the audience. A well-designed curtain can add to the overall atmosphere of a show and create a sense of anticipation for the audience. The use of color, texture, and movement can all contribute to the visual impact of a stage curtain.

Concealing and Revealing

Stage curtains are also used to conceal and reveal different parts of the stage throughout a performance. Curtains can be opened and closed to create a sense of drama or to hide set changes and other technical elements. The use of curtains can also create a sense of intimacy or isolation, depending on the way they are used.


Certain types of stage curtains, such as main curtains and legs, can also help to reduce sound levels on stage. This is especially important in larger venues where the acoustics can be challenging. Heavyweight curtains can help to absorb sound and prevent it from bouncing around the stage, creating a more even and controlled sound environment.


Stage curtains are an important element of any theatrical production or live event. They not only add to the visual impact of a show but also serve important functions, such as concealing and revealing different parts of the stage and reducing sound levels. With so many different types of curtains available, it’s important to choose the right type of curtain for your specific needs. Whether you are producing a play, concert, or dance performance, the right stage curtain can help to make your show a success.

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