How to Log in to Your Disney Plus Account on Various Devices

Logging in to your Disney Plus account on different devices is a simple process that allows you to enjoy your favorite Disney content wherever you are. Whether you’re using a smartphone, a smart TV, a tablet, or a computer, we’ll guide you through the steps to access your Disney Plus account securely.

Logging In on a Web Browser

  1. Open your preferred web browser on your computer or mobile device.
  2. Go to the Disney Plus website: Type “ login/begin 8 digit code tv” into the address bar and press Enter.
  3. Click on “Log In”: You’ll find this option in the upper-right corner of the Disney Plus homepage.
  4. Enter your Email and Password: Provide the email address and password associated with your Disney Plus account.
  5. Click “Log In”: Once you’ve entered your credentials, click the “Log In” button to access your account.

Logging In on a Mobile Device

iOS (iPhone, iPad)

  1. Open the Disney Plus app: Locate the Disney Plus app on your iOS device and tap to open it.
  2. Tap “Log In”: You’ll find this option at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Enter your Email and Password: Provide the email address and password linked to your Disney Plus account.
  4. Tap “Log In”: After entering your credentials, tap “Log In” to access your account.


  1. Open the Disney Plus app: Locate the Disney Plus app on your Android device and tap to open it.
  2. Tap “Log In”: You’ll find this option at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Enter your Email and Password: Provide the email address and password associated with your Disney Plus account.
  4. Tap “Log In”: After entering your credentials, tap “Log In” to access your account.

Logging In on a Smart TV

Using Disney Plus on a smart TV is a popular choice for enjoying content on the big screen. Here’s how to log in:

  1. Turn on your Smart TV: Make sure your TV is connected to the internet and navigate to the login/begin app.
  2. Select “Log In” or “Sign In”: Depending on your TV’s interface, you’ll see an option to log in. Click on it.
  3. Enter your Email and Password: Use your remote control to input your Disney Plus account email and password.
  4. Navigate to “Log In”: Once you’ve entered your credentials, navigate to the “Log In” button and press it to access your account.

Logging In on a Gaming Console

Disney Plus is available on popular gaming consoles like Xbox and PlayStation. Here’s how to log in:


  1. Power up your Xbox: Make sure it’s connected to the internet.
  2. Navigate to the Disney Plus app: Use your controller to select the Disney Plus app from the home screen.
  3. Select “Log In”: Highlight the “Log In” option and press A on your controller.
  4. Enter your Email and Password: Input your Disney Plus account email and password using your controller.
  5. Select “Log In”: Once your credentials are entered, select “Log In” to access your account.


  1. Turn on your PlayStation: Ensure it’s connected to the internet.
  2. Open the Disney Plus app: Locate the Disney Plus app in your PlayStation’s apps section and open it.
  3. Choose “Log In”: Select the “Log In” option when prompted.
  4. Enter your Email and Password: Use your controller to enter your Disney Plus account email and password.
  5. Select “Log In”: After inputting your credentials, choose “Log In” to access your account.

Logging In on a Streaming Device

Disney Plus can also be accessed on streaming devices like Roku and Amazon Fire TV. Here’s how to log in:


  1. Turn on your Roku device: Ensure it’s connected to the internet.
  2. Navigate to the Disney Plus channel: Use your Roku remote to find the Disney Plus channel and select it.
  3. Choose “Log In”: Highlight the “Log In” option and press the OK button on your remote.
  4. Enter your Email and Password: Input your Disney Plus account email and password using your remote.
  5. Select “Log In”: Once your credentials are entered, select “Log In” to access your account.

Amazon Fire TV

  1. Power up your Amazon Fire TV: Make sure it’s connected to the internet.
  2. Open the Disney Plus app: Locate the Disney Plus app in your Fire TV’s apps section and open it.
  3. Select “Log In”: Choose the “Log In” option when prompted.
  4. Enter your Email and Password: Use your remote to enter your Disney Plus account email and password.
  5. Select “Log In”: After inputting your credentials, select “Log In” to access your account.


Logging in to your Disney Plus account on various devices is a straightforward process that allows you to enjoy a wide range of Disney content on your terms. Whether you prefer watching on a computer, mobile device, smart TV, gaming console, or streaming device, these step-by-step instructions should help you access your Disney Plus account with ease.

Remember to keep your login credentials secure, and enjoy your Disney Plus experience to the fullest!

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