Are you preparing to apply to colleges and want to ensure you get the highest possible SAT score? If you are a high school student looking to improve your SAT score, several online SAT prep services are available to assist you in preparing better.
Since college or high school entrance examinations are essential to the admissions process, an SAT score may sometimes make or break an application. As a result, thorough SAT preparation is essential.
However, numerous SAT prep classes are available, and choosing one to take might be overwhelming. Here are the best SAT online program and courses available to ensure you have the necessary resources for success.
Best Online SAT Prep Services
Here’s a list of the Best SAT Prep services Online
- The Princeton Review
The Princeton Review is one of the best SAT prep options as it offers several resources for students preparing for SAT. The Princeton Review offers a variety of live programs, both online and in-person, as well as a self-paced on-demand course, intensives, and one-on-one tutoring.
Princeton assures participants of earning top scores and provides 24/7 tutoring, supervised SAT practice exams, and hours of live teaching.
- PrepScholar
For students who want a personalized but flexible program, PrepScholer is the best option. PrepScolar is one of the key players in SAT prep, offering a robust, customizable program, virtual classes, and tutoring. One of the benefits of PrepScholar is that it is tailored to address the student’s strengths and weaknesses. It guides the students with detailed lesson plans, practice questions, and more. There is a 160+ point guarantee with its new PSAT online program.
- Khan Academy
Khan Academy is an online SAT resource that provides free, world-class education to students. One of the reasons why Khan Academy is the best for students is that it is the official SAT prep program of the College Board and helps students create a realistic study plan that they ensure the students follow. With Khan Academy, students can access various prep materials and resources, take video lessons, practice tests, drill questions, and get feedback.
- Magoosh SAT
For students who want an SAT prep program that is easy, accessible, and flexible, Magoosh offers that and more. They help students prepare for their SAT by having them study for 20 minutes per day. The questions are well-designed to provide students with a great learning experience.
Magoosh teaches math, verbal, and writing topics and helps students take steps to achieve their goal of getting a high SAT score. There is a 100-point improvement guarantee with this SAT online program.
- Kaplan
Kaplan is one of the most engaging on-demand lessons, providing a wide range of SAT prep resources and packages. Kaplan offers over 50 instructional videos on strategy, test content, written notes, animations, equations, motion graphics, and more.
Students can work on material in formats that fit their learning style. Each class is taught by Kaplan’s expert instructors, while another instructor is available to answer questions in the private chat option during class. This is an excellent PSAT online program for students who want to self-study but need an engaging class.
Every student has unique needs, and with so many online SAT prep courses available, students should be able to find one that fits their needs. Good luck with your SAT preparation.