Pest Control Sydney- How to Get Rid of Pests in Australia


If you are reading this article, the chances are you have a pesky pest control problem. Pests can be a nightmare to deal with and they can wreak havoc in almost any home. If you live near trees or other vegetation, then chances are that your property is prone to attracting pests. These little critters will keep coming back until you take action. Here’s how to get rid of pests in your house and protect your property from them for good. There is no specific type of pest that affects homes more than others; it could be any one of those annoying little creatures if the circumstances are perfect for them to invade your house. Here is what you need to know about pests in general and how to get rid of them if they have already taken up residence in your home or business premises.

What are some of the most common pests?

There are many different types of pests, but the ones that affect homes and businesses the most are: 

  1. Cockroaches – these are the most common pests in Australia. Cockroaches are nasty and common household pests, usually found in warm environments. They can survive for up to a week without food and for months without water. They feed on a wide range of food substances including paper, glue, soap, bookbinding and even food crumbs. 
  1. Mice – Mice are common pests in urban areas, especially around homes. They usually enter buildings through cracks or holes in the exterior walls, the roof, foundations and floors. Mice can chew through paper, cardboard, and even electrical wiring, so they should be taken seriously. 
  1. Rats – While rats are not as common as mice, they are far more destructive. Rats are highly adaptable and can eat almost anything, including paper, cardboard, cloth, and even protein-based foods like meat, fish, and cheese.
  1. Termites – It’s important to note that termites are not insects; they are actually more closely related to cockroaches and ants! Termites feed on wood and cellulose materials. They eat the timber of your house and the paper covering your books. If they are allowed to grow in numbers, they can cause immense damage to your home.

How to get rid of cockroaches?

Nasty creatures, cockroaches can be especially problematic in places like hospitals and restaurants, where hygiene is extremely important. Cockroaches can also spread diseases; they are known to carry pathogens that can cause food poisoning, dysentery, diarrhea, and other diseases. They reproduce quickly, and a single female can lay up to 100 eggs in a month, so they can become a serious problem very quickly. How to get rid of cockroaches:

  •  Seal up your home – The first step in how to get rid of cockroaches is to make sure they can’t get in. Be on the lookout for holes in the walls or gaps in your floorboards. Repair or seal any openings that you see and make sure to keep your home clean. 
  • Clean your home – Regularly clean your home and be on the lookout for any signs of cockroaches. You can use pest-killing sprays or dusts to get rid of them, but be sure to read the label first and follow the instructions carefully. 
  • Use traps – Cockroaches are opportunistic and prefer easy food sources. You can use traps that are baited with water or food to lure them in and then trap the pests. You can even buy electronic traps that work by emitting an ultrasonic sound that only roaches can hear.

Get rid of mice?

Mice are a common pest in many parts of the world. They are small rodents that are often found in urban areas, near farms, and in other places where there is food available. Mice can get in through very small openings, so it’s important to seal up your home to prevent them from entering. Mice can also cause significant damage to your home by gnawing through wires, destroying food and supplies, and spreading disease. How to get rid of mice: 

  • Repair any openings or gaps in your home. – Mice can fit through almost any hole that is smaller than 2 inches in width. They can get into homes through holes in the wall, gaps around pipes, holes in the floor, or spaces under the exterior siding. 
  • Keep your home clean. – Mice are very clean animals and prefer to live in a clean environment. You can use traps or sticky traps with food bait to catch the mice, or regularly set out poison.
  • Use traps. – You can also try to get rid of mice by setting out traps. Traps can be baited with food or set with an enticing scent. You can also try setting out sticky traps to catch mice.

How to get rid of flies?

Flies are another annoying and common pest that can be found in many Australian households. While flies don’t usually cause damage, they can be extremely annoying and are often a sign of other pest problems. How to get rid of flies: 

  • Clean your home – Regularly clean your home and be on the lookout for any signs of flies. You can use traps or sticky traps with food bait to catch the flies, or try setting out vinegar or citrus to repel them. 
  • Use traps – You can also try to get rid of flies by setting out traps. Traps can be baited with food or set with an enticing scent. You can also try setting out sticky traps to catch flies.

How to get rid of mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes are another common pest in Australia. These insects are known to spread diseases like dengue fever, chikungunya, yellow fever, and the West Nile virus. They are active during the day and can be a real nuisance. How to get rid of mosquitoes: 

  • Seal up your home – The first step in how to get rid of mosquitoes is to seal up your home. Repair any holes, gaps, or cracks that are larger than an inch in width. 
  • Clean your yard – Mosquitoes can breed in even small amounts of water, so be sure to regularly clean your yard. You can also try to trap the mosquitoes by using lights during dusk and dawn. 
  • Use traps – You can also try to get rid of mosquitoes by setting out traps. Traps can be baited with food or set with an enticing scent. You can also try setting out sticky traps to catch mosquitoes.


These pests can make your life a living hell if you let them. It’s important to make sure that you keep your home clean and sealed up

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