Washington State School District Strikes

Washington State School District Strikes

Washington isn’t the only school district to go on strike this week. Seattle teachers also walked.

In a separate statement, the Ridgefield Education Association (REA) and the RSD acknowledged that talks had progressed but that no final agreement could be reached.

“The district and REA met in negotiation sessions this Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday,” the district said in a statement. statement Thursday. “Despite the progress we have made, unfortunately we have not been able to agree on the terms of a new contract and have been informed by the Teachers’ Union that they will go on strike tomorrow, Friday September 9th.”
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According to the union, REA members voted on August 29, with 92% in favor, authorizing the board to strike if an agreement was deemed necessary. On September 5th, the REA Board decided to go on strike if no agreement was reached by September 9th.

“While progress has been made towards an agreement, the RSD team will use available funding to provide more mental health support, improvements for special education students, and better programs for student interventions. “District leadership cannot talk about making these a priority. Solutions must be in writing in the contract.”

All RSD schools and offices are currently closed, according to the district website, and meal services will also be suspended until the strike is resolved.

As Seattle educators continue to strike, other school districts across the state are reaching agreements or facing similar moves

Currently enrolling approximately 3,850 students, the school district is located near the Oregon border, approximately 15 miles north of Vancouver, Washington.

The negotiating team is expected to meet on Friday and continue negotiations until the weekend or until a tentative agreement is reached.

of Seattle Education Associationrepresents approximately 6,000 employees (including teachers and other school professionals) in the state’s largest public school district. started a strike on wednesday.
Seattle Public Schools It remained closed on Friday due to the strike.

Source: www.cnn.com

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