7Most Common Car Problems and What to Do About Them

7Most Common Car Problems and What to Do About Them

A car is similar to a mechanical pet: if you feed it well, it will live a long life; if you neglect it, it will behave sick. It’s natural to neglect to search for or miss flaws that your car may be developing, especially if you have a busy schedule. When you know exactly what to look out for and how to counteract them, the scenario changes.

One should stay aware about the minor car problems that can turn into major one, as well as some of the most common car problems that can wreck your car and get to an halt in the middle of nowhere.

The following is the list of such car problems and some suggestions to fix them.

  1. Drained Battery

One of the most critical car elements to keep an eye on is the battery. Your batteries can run low and your car will fail to start for a bunch of different reasons. For simple reasons like leaving the car radio or headlights on when it is not in use. Other reasons such as weather changes, having a bad alternator, and – the one caused by COVID-19 – leaving your car unused for a long time can affect the battery health.

  • Solution:

If you have a tester or charger at your disposal then you are good to go. If there’s any rust, use a metal brush to remove it. The negative terminal should be unbolted first, followed by the positive terminal. There may also be a ground wire that has to be removed. After that, replace it.

  1. Overheated Engine

While driving, pay close attention to your car’s temperature gauge, especially if the weather is extremely hot or cold. If your car’s thermostat turns red, it’s a sure sign that it’s overheating. Because your automobile engine is built to run within a specific temperature range, it must be controlled by the cooling system.

  • Solution:

If your engine coolant is low, check it and fill it off. Coolants come in different varieties at auto parts stores; be sure you choose the proper one for your vehicle to prevent mixing coolant types. Get your car serviced to prevent any future overheating.

  1. Worn Brake Pads

Like any other moving element in your automobile, the braking system will eventually wear out. Brakes are critical – they are required to ensure that you can stop safely. Thus, any brake-related issues, such as strange sounds or a soft brake pedal, should be addressed by a skilled mechanic as soon as possible. There are a few small faults that might cause brakes to squeak or squeal, but once you hear grinding, you should get them serviced immediately.

  • Solution:

Jack up the car and remove the tyres. Once done, you are ready to take off the calliper and can remove the actual pads. Replace it with the new ones and repeat the above-mentioned process in reverse order. If you own a BMW, it’s important to use genuine BMW parts when replacing brake pads to ensure optimal performance and safety. To avoid any mistakes, use the service manual for reference.

  1. Dim Or Broken Headlights

If in any case you find your car’s headlights to dim or you find your car’s sidelights to blink faster than usual; then, there is a problem with your car’s lighting system. Lighting is always a safety concern, particularly when a headlight, brake light, or indicator is missing. Bulb problems can be caused by corrosion and wiring; however, most bulbs endure a long period before succumbing to regular wear and tear.

  • Solution:

You DO NOT need the ultra-premium lights if you have a basic car. Once you have the bulbs, you can generally take the lights out of the back of the housing and unplug the old bulb (when the car is turned off). Replace the old one with the new one, and you’re ready to go.

  1. Radiator Leaks

When you take off the cap and are unable to see your car’s antifreeze and see the puddle of fluid under your car, this indicates radiator leaks. Usually, the main cause of any radiator leaks is corrosion. Corrosion can be caused by a variety of factors, but if you have one leak, you’re likely to have more, so it’s best to replace the entire radiator. If the radiator isn’t kept in proper working order, it might cause overheating and, in the worst-case scenario, an engine fire.

  • Solution:

Use a user manual to remove the parts connected with the radiator such as removing the overflow tank, unplugging the cooling fans, etc. After that, install the new radiator and replace all of the tubes and rubber parts. Finally, either premixed fluid or a 50-50 mixture of antifreeze and water should be used to fill the car.

  1. Visible Exhaust Smoke

The health of your car can be determined by looking at the exhaust smoke. Your car should not emit any smoke, suggesting that it is in good working order and has a healthy combustion system. Exhaust smoke comes in a variety of colours:

  • Black smoke implies that the combustion chamber is burning too much fuel.
  • White/Grey smoke is difficult to diagnose. You need a thorough check to diagnose it. For instance, the accumulation of white smoke that won’t go away implies leakage in the gasket.
  • Solution:

You can’t solve this problem on your own as it requires the expertise of a professional mechanic to fix it.

  1. Thick, Dark Motor Oil

A car’s ability to work depends on having fresh motor oil, but if you’re continuously filling up your oil level, you could have a problem. If you observe a decline in performance or the oil light turns on, you should check the oil immediately. If you don’t get your oil changed on a regular basis, your engine may rust.

  • Solution:

Although some newer car models have a filter bypass mechanism, it is advisable to replace the oil filter at the same time as the oil. If you are looking for car air conditioning repair in Sydney visit Natrad.



Car problems will always emerge if you own a car.It may be anything as little as your car’s paint fading or as serious as your engine being ruined.  There can be times when your car’s air conditioning system will require maintenance and you have to take care of it as well. Keep an eye on your car so you can spot even the tiniest warning sign and get it fixed immediately.

Author Bio:

Hi, I am Olivia Robinson, a writer, and blogger by profession. As I’m a wanderer, I share my experiences through my write-ups in a way that it’s understandable and appealing to people. I aim to achieve a difference through my writing, which allows my readers to make informed and valuable choices.

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