South Korean President Yoon Seok-yul: The era of soothing North Korea is over

“I think Ball is in Kim’s court. It’s his choice to start a dialogue with us,” Yun said in his first media interview since taking office two weeks ago.

Yun said from his new presidential palace in Seoul’s old defense building that CNN South Korea and its allies are ready for the invasion of North Korea.

“Temporarily escaping North Korea’s provocations and conflicts is not something we should do,” he said, pointing out the reconciliation strategy of the previous free administration. “This kind of approach over the last five years has proven to be a failure.”

Yuna, a former prosecution and newcomer to politics, has consistently emphasized him. Tighter stance on North Korea And the desire to strengthen the South Army-withdrawal from its predecessor Moon Jae-in, who promoted dialogue and peaceful reconciliation.

Despite that stance, Yun said on Monday that he did not want North Korea to “collapse.”

“What I want is a shared common prosperity on the Korean Peninsula,” he said. [North Korea’s] Nuclear capabilities help and promote international peace. “

United States, China, Quad

Given the recent surge in North Korea’s missile tests and the resumption of operations at its underground nuclear test site, local leaders were at stake on the weekend Yun met. US President Joe Biden In Seoul.
U.S. officials warned during Biden’s visit that North Korea may be preparing to test underground nuclear or intercontinental ballistic missiles- His first trip to Asia Since taking office.

So far, that hasn’t happened.

However, Yun said the two men found something in common and showed CNN the gift he received from Biden. Quotes are often associated with former US President Harry S. Truman. “I don’t know how (Bidden) knew he liked this statement,” Yun said in the middle of his desk.

Through the campaign, Yun emphasized the importance of a close security alliance between South Korea and the United States. The President of the United States praised their relationship as reaching “new heights.”

The United States estimates that North Korea is preparing for possible long-range missile tests within a few days while Biden is preparing for a trip to Asia.
After their meeting, two leaders Announced in a joint statement They will resume discussions on potentially expanding joint military exercises that were suspended under Biden’s predecessor-a step that is likely to provoke anger from North Korea.

On Monday, Yun defended the move as purely defensive. Regular military training is “a basic duty for all troops around the world to stay ready,” he said.

He added that in the event of an attack, the United States would provide support, including missile defense and its “nuclear umbrella,” a promise of protection from nuclear-armed nations to non-nuclear allies.

But he said, “Tactical nuclear weapons [Korean] Peninsula. “

However, South Korea could see partnerships with the United States and players in other regions expanding in other ways.

Yun said it was in South Korea’s “national interest” to participate in Biden. Indo-Pacific Economic FrameworkA newly announced economic plan for aspiring democracy in the region, widely seen as a counter to China’s turmoil.

He also said that South Korea has vaccines, climate change and emerging technologies. But he couldn’t say that the South would seek official quad membership, he said, “continuing to consider.”

China is wary of quads.But the threat keeps the groups closer to each other
Quads have become more active in recent years as concerns grow. All four heads of state on China’s claim of sovereignty in the region Face-to-face summit in Tokyo on tuesday. Beijing blamed the block As an anti-Chinese “creek” that symbolizes the “toxic” Cold War spirit.

For many years South Korea While trying to balance the expansion of economic relations between the United States and China, relations between Seoul and Beijing have been tense in recent years.

Throughout the campaign, Yun portrayed China as an economic rival in a cooler tone than his predecessor.

Yun dispelled the threat of economic retaliation when asked about the risks of building Beijing’s anger by building a close relationship with the United States.

“Strengthening our alliance with the United States in terms of security and technology does not mean that economic cooperation with China is not important,” he said. He added that South Korea and China depend on mutual cooperation. “Therefore, I believe it is unreasonable for China to be overly sensitive to this issue.”


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